Breast Cancer is a scary diagnosis. The first time you receive an abnormal mammogram and they call you to ask you to come back in. Icy Fear can begin to consume you. If this happened to you but the second scan was fine you breathe a sigh of relief. But what about those sisters that get that third call.. Cancer
So These Ladies begin a journey. How will they treat this? Will they remove a breast, or "get it over with" remove both breasts? After this will they do radiation? Chemotherapy? Will They loose their Hair? Can they continue to work? How will this affect their families? What if they cannot afford it? Will they be able to "reconstruct" the breast? Will partners care or love them the same? These are FEARS. Information and Perfect Love casts out fears. I want to part of that solution.
Many insurances cover some kind of reconstruction, But the Areola (nipple) is removed and a scar travels horizontally through the breast. Scar revision is needed at this stage and an areola can be "tattooed" on. I am proud to say that many oncologists have been "fooled" by my work. It looks real and 3D and the scar blending is a game changer. But most insurances don't cover this part of reconstruction. The part that can physically and emotionally make them feel whole again. So in my Gofundme Campaign I am asking a donation to offer this service free for 10 deserving ladies. The cost of scar revision and areola reconstruction is $500. Would you be willing to donate to the campaign and would you be willing to share this opportunity to your friends? I'd love to tell the next woman making this journey "Its Covered"! Bless YOU
